vendredi 26 septembre 2014

FIRST and ONLY Beauty LED Light Therapy App

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FIRST and ONLY Beauty LED Light Therapy App

mardi 23 septembre 2014

FIRST and ONLY Beauty LED Light Therapy App


About App

This is the FIRST and ONLY effective Light Therapy APP with 6 interchangeable treatment colour panels designed for fighting aging, acne, and hyperpigmentation. Help improve skin texture, color and tone while diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

노화 방지 , 항 여드름, 색소 침착 방지. 잔주름과 주름을 감소 하면서 피부 의 질감, 색상 과 톤 을 개선하는 데 도움이됩니다.

How does it work?

Light Therapy is base on LED Light Colour. The main factor is the colour of the light which determine the wavelength of the light. Certain colour wavelength is PROVEN (read the research link below) to heal and create perfect skin. Since almost ALL SMARTPHONE are LED screen, with correct light colour mixture is able to heal your skin. The colour intensity and combination of the App is specially crafted by our research team to create the best effect (e.g. dark red mix with light red and matte blur finished).


-Work Best in FULL dark environment so as to reduce other light intervention.

-Place at least 25cm away from target area. This is because light therapy works due to “LIGHT COLOUR”, not “HEAT”.

-Do not look into the light, avoid eye contact with the screen

-Most effective with LED screen (e.g. AMOLED, HD LCD IPS, almost all types of smartphone)

-Use 3 times a day and spread evenly, maximum 15 min per use.

-Can be Use on all skin types (e.g. face, body)

-Do not expect magic, even real LED Light Therapy Product (that cost about USD200 - 500) need few months to see the effects. Although your phone screen is also LED Light, but it is slightly weaker in strength (safer and soothing)

3 Colour Mode for different purpose:

Red LED Cluster

The RED LED Cluster 660nm RED activates skin cells and accelerates the natural occurring process of cellular reproduction. (know as Bio-stimulation –see the famous NASA study here RED and Infrared light wavelengths addresses the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Within 8 weeks of continuous use, most people can notice a significant reduction I the appearance of their fine lines and wrinkles. They will also notices and overall healthy, radiant, and more even tone, younger looking complexion.

Blue LED Cluster

420nm Blue LED Cluster light therapy address the underlying cause of Acne. It helps to kill the acne causing the bacteria; reduces inflammation and provides a general rejuvenation effect on the skin. When used 3-5 times a week most people can see a significant reduction in mild acne in 30 days.

Green LED Cluster

525nm Green LED Light Cluster light is the natural solution for hyper –pigmentation and age spots. It is the ultimate non-chemical approach to reduce the appearance of hyper- pigmentation. When used consistently, it gives the feel and appearance of a softer even-tones brighter more luminous complexion. With a wavelength approximating 525nm, the properties of green light best benefit those seeking to reduce hyper- pigmentation and sun damage. The Green Super Bright LED light penetrates into the basal layer of the dermis, helping to lighten freckles, age spots, and promote and overall clarity and radiance in the skin.

More about the effectiveness and research of LED Colour Light Therapy:

Before and After Light Therapy:


FIRST and ONLY Beauty LED Light Therapy App

[UPCOMING GAME]HOT WIRE: Have you ever played Hotwire game in life?

Hello friends,

HOT WIRE is the new simple game that is coming from the creator of previous hit games (99 Challenges! & Watch Out!), the goal of the user is very simple: Light up as many bulb as possible, BUT is it that simple?

This is a game that we’re strongly focusing one 3 criteria: challenging, easy to play, real hard to master.

We believe that we have something really good for you side to consider of a feature because of its addiction among the simple idea.

The game is set to launch in SEP-25!

Here below are some common information of the game:


Product Name – HOT WIRE

Publisher Name – Pine Entertainment

iTunes link:

Languages Supported- English Only

Target Live Date –Sep-25

iOS Target Device - iPhone/iPod Touch

Technology Supported - iOS 7 (specifically which features/APIs), Screen Capture, Facebook and Twitter Integration, Game Center.

iOS Exclusive? - Yes (Only on iOS)

Marketing Description –

Have you ever played Hotwire game in life? It's NOW ready on your pocket device!!


Comments - any other info – It’s really a great game among any other titles from Pine Entertainment. Every single person in the studio just can’t stop each time we start lighting the bulb. Please check it out!



Thanks and Regards,

[UPCOMING GAME]HOT WIRE: Have you ever played Hotwire game in life?