Im a bolt action newb, but I recently got a m1903 and I love that rifle. Accurate and a great piece of history. I was trying some "mad minute" type rapid fire exercises, but unfortunately I find that I'm not that fast. Probably can only muster 15 shots in one minute. This is shooting Greek surplus ammo.
I find my first hangup to be ejecting the round --sometimes the bolt is very difficult to rotate after firing a round, and I have literally bang the handle upwards to rotate the bolt and extract the round. Is there anything that can be done about this? A tried and true technique? Would different ammo work smoother?
Likewise when inserting rounds from a stripper clip, this is another major hangup in time. The rounds just sometimes do not like to be pushed in. Is there a better technique for this too, or do I need to use special lube or cleaner cartridges? Or maybe I need to practice doing this with dummy rounds off range.
Any suggestions will help, thx.
Improving bolt action technique for rapid fire
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