mercredi 27 avril 2016



Anyone fish(ing) for halibut on a cattle boat/private charter? I want to make a trip for Halibut this May or June but I'm not sure who are the best bets (balancing that with affordability) to get some fish out on the water. I have been looking at Emeryville Sportfishing and Randy's out of Monterey Bay; I have no personal experience with either outfit. As per some of my earlier threads, I have alsmost on ocean sportfishing other than rock/ling cod so I don't know where I should be trying to narrow my search for a fishing trip to begin with. Monterey Bay? San Francisco Bay? Somewhere else? Any leads or tips would be appreciated.



Originally Posted by bwiese View Post

[BTW, I have no problem seeing DEA Agents and drug cops hanging from ropes, but that's a separate political issue.]

Stay classy, CGF and Calguns.
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